Choose Wisely The Four Elements of Modular UPS

With a wide range of UPS products, schneider electric believes that only four factors need to be considered to end the selection difficulties.
As the guardian of power, UPS provides a stable and uninterrupted power supply for key load equipment in various industries to protect them from overload, short circuit, surge and other power hazards, so as to ensure the normal operation of the business. With the rapid development of cloud application and cloud hosting, the protection of connection and data storage device is even more important. How to select UPS suitable for professional network, so that the variety of UPS products can be distinguished? Schneider electric, a global expert in energy efficiency management and automation, points out that there are four key factors to consider when choosing UPS, which can help companies choose products that suit their business needs.
UPS size
According to a recent study by cisco, the number of mobile devices will soon outnumber the global population. This era of BYOD and mobile devices poses a huge challenge for IT managers to stabilize enterprise networks and connections. In addition to ensuring proper server operation, it is equally critical to protect storage and network devices, broadband connections, access points, modems and routers from potential damage caused by power transients and to maintain business continuity. Consider the rate of growth of the IT infrastructure when sizing UPS and determine how much "redundancy" is needed for short-term growth.
UPS scalability
If the enterprise cannot predict the future trend of its IT infrastructure, then using scalable standard UPS is one way. But if future demand is uncertain or only growing rapidly, modular UPS can provide an effective solution for enterprises. Modular UPS is expandable and can support future load and run expansions through increased power module cabinets rather than system-wide replacements. A pay-as-you-need approach helps match UPS and IT power, improves system efficiency, and minimizes operating costs.
UPS backup time
In the United States, most blackouts last from five minutes to an hour. To cope with prolonged power failure, the data center needs to be equipped with multiple mains power input or backup generator sets. Because ATS or backup generators can be switched on or started in less than a minute, UPS typically requires only 5-15 minutes of energy storage battery configuration. At the same time, UPS should be compatible with lead-acid battery and lithium battery to meet the needs of future energy storage development.
UPS management
DCIM data center management software can provide convenient remote monitoring and control for IT administrators; While active battery and environmental diagnostics can greatly reduce downtime; Advanced UPS management helps optimize system operation, safely shut down the system, and protect data and equipment from crashes caused by power outages.
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